Works inspired by Norway
Donna Amato (piano)
Altarus Records: AIR-CD9021 (1993)
Web page for Altarus Records

Duration: 78:50
Comments: Amato plays the
Malicious and Perverse Variations, together with works by Stevenson and Hinton.
Track listing
- Track 4: Variazione Maliziosa e Perversa sopra La Morte d'Åse da Grieg (0:52)
- “… another gloriously idiosyncratic release from Altarus … Amato copes easily with the challenges … pianist-composers throw at her … in works so strongly reliant on counterpoint, she is particularly good at projecting the different voices that make up the texture … Altarus give her a big-bodied tone … one of the best piano discs to come my way in a long time” (CD Review)
- “Amato, muscularly capable, passes the test …” (Fanfare)
- “Amato is an excellent and very musical pianist” (Musical Opinion)
- “(Amato) takes most of the bristling difficulties at speed, producing a … coherent sense of line and momentum. Indeed, for serene despatch of continuous technical challenges this is one of her most impressive discs so far” (Tempo)