Carlo Grante (piano)


Pieces performed


  • 20/07/1995 Carlo Grante (piano)
    The Breakers, Newport, Rhode Island, USA
    XXVII Newport Music Festival
    • 66 100 Transcendental Studies [2,7,31]
  • 24/08/1995 Carlo Grante (piano)
    Auditorium “Anime Sante”, Scanno, Italy
    Festival “Musicaestate”
    • 66 100 Transcendental Studies [31]
  • 06/12/1995 Carlo Grante (piano)
    Preston Bradley Hall, Chicago IL, USA
    Dame Myra Hess Memorial Concerts
    • 66 100 Transcendental Studies [7,31]
  • 23/01/1996 Carlo Grante (piano)
    Villa Romanazzi Carducci, Sala Europa, Bari, Italy
    • 66 100 Transcendental Studies [7,31,86]
  • 02/06/1996 Carlo Grante (piano)
    Wigmore Hall, London, UK
    • 66 100 Transcendental Studies [19]
  • 23/08/1996 Carlo Grante (piano)
    Rittersaal/Konzertsaal, Schloß vor Husum, Husum, Germany
    Raritäten der Klaviermusik
    • 66 100 Transcendental Studies [12]
  • 23/03/1997 Carlo Grante (piano)
    Audtorium dell’Annunziata, Sulmona, Italy
    Camerata Sulmonese
    • 66 100 Transcendental Studies [12]
  • 26/07/1997 Carlo Grante (piano)
    Merkin Concert Hall, New York NY, USA
    Abraham Goodman House
    • 66 100 Transcendental Studies [7,19,31,86]
  • 20/08/1997 Carlo Grante (piano)
    Auditorium “Anime Sante”, Scanno, Italy
    Festival “Musicaestate”
    • 66 100 Transcendental Studies [19]
  • 25/08/1997 Carlo Grante (piano)
    Auditorium del Conservatorio, Matera, Italy
    Festival “Piano Forum”
    • 66 100 Transcendental Studies [12]
  • 08/02/1998 Carlo Grante (piano)
    Amici della Musica, Auditorium Cesare Pollini, Padua, Italy
    • 66 100 Transcendental Studies [16]
  • ??/??/1998 Carlo Grante (piano)
    Conservatorio Duni, Matera, Italy
    • 66 100 Transcendental Studies [16]
  • 19/04/1998 Carlo Grante (piano)
    Teatro Ghione, Rome, Italy
    • 66 100 Transcendental Studies [?]
  • 18/10/1998 Carlo Grante (piano)
    Wigmore Hall, London, UK
    • 66 100 Transcendental Studies [1,4,7,9,16,19,86,31]
  • 24/03/2000 Carlo Grante (piano)
    Auditorium ‘Di Vittorio’ della Camera del Lavoro, Milano, Italy
    Associazione Culturale Secondo Maggio — Musica & Atelier
    • 66 100 Transcendental Studies [3]
  • 28/11/2001 Carlo Grante (piano)
    Lutkin Hall, School of Music, Northwestern University, Evanston IL, USA
    “Piano and Utopia”
    • 101 Opus secretum
  • 20/07/2002 Carlo Grante (piano)
    The Breakers(?), Newport, Rhode Island, USA
    XXXIV Newport Music Festival
    • 66 100 Transcendental Studies [1]

Broadcasts etc.

  • 06/12/1995 Carlo Grante (piano)
    WFMT (Radio), Chicago IL, USA [broadcast]
    Dame Myra Hess Memorial Concerts
    • 66 100 Transcendental Studies [7,31]