KSS65 Trois Poèmes

Piece details

  • Written for: Voice and Piano
  • Date composed: 1941
  • Dedicatee: Joy McArden, James Cooper
  • Approximate duration (minutes): 10
  • Manuscript pages: 13
  • Manuscript location: Paul Sacher Foundation, Basel
  • Comments: The three songs are:
    • Le Faune (Verlaine);
    • Les Chats (Baudelaire);
    • La derniè"re fête galante (Verlaine).

Editions available from the Sorabji Archive

  • Critical edition (Marc-André Roberge), A4P. 48 pages.
    Price: £16 (paper), £10 (pdf)
    Right-click to download high resolution sample page: PDF PNG
  • New edition (Alistair Hinton), A3P. 20 pages.
    Price: £15 (paper), £10 (pdf)
    Right-click to download high resolution sample page: PDF PNG
  • Manuscript, A3L. 13 pages.
    Price: £15 (paper), £10 (pdf)
    Right-click to download high resolution sample page: PDF PNG


  • Elizabeth Farnum (soprano), Margaret Kampmeier (piano),
    Centaur Records CRC2613 (2002)
    Track 13-15 (7:05)
    Track 13 Le faune (1:31)
    Track 14 Les chats (3:01)
    Track 15 La dernière fête galante (2:33)
  • Zoë Spangler (soprano), Chappell Kingsland (piano),
    BIS Records BIS-CD-2683 (July 2024)
    Track 6-8 (6:44)
    Track 6 Le faune (1:27)
    Track 7 Les chats (2:54)
    Track 8 La dernière fête galante (2:23)


  • 03/11/2000 Sarah Leonard (soprano), Stephen Gutman (piano) [iii]
    Conway Hall, London, UK
    Planet Tree Festival
  • 15/05/2001 Loré Lixenberg (soprano), Jonathan Powell (piano)
    British Music Information Centre, London, UK
  • 14/11/2002 Elizabeth Farnum (soprano), Margaret Kampmeier (piano)
    Merkin Hall, New York NY, USA
  • 13/02/2004 Sarah Leonard (soprano), Jonathan Powell (piano)
    St Cyprian’s Church, London, UK
  • 12/04/2011 Amy Fuller (soprano), Kent Conrad (piano)
    Memorial Room, Smith Music Hall, University of Illinois , Urbana, IL, USA
    Doctoral recital
  • 26/04/2011 Katty Kochmann (soprano), Lukas Huisman (piano)
    Miryzaal, School of Arts, Koninklijk Conservatorium Gent, Ghent, Belgium
  • 18/06/2021 Zoë Spangler (soprano), Chappell Kingsland (piano) [i]
    Salem United Church of Christ, Denver, CO, USA
    Impressionist Fantasies
  • 11/03/2023 Zoë Spangler (soprano), Chappell Kingsland (piano)
    Central Presbyterian Church, Denver CO, USA
    Into the Spotlight: Composers of Color

Broadcasts etc.

  • 31/01/2003 Elizabeth Farnum (soprano), Margaret Kampmeier (piano) [ii]
    WPRB, Princeton NJ, USA [broadcast of recording]
    “Classical Discoveries” programme
  • 28/08/2003 Elizabeth Farnum (soprano), Margaret Kampmeier (piano) [ii]
    WPRB, Princeton NJ, USA [broadcast of recording]
    “Classical Discoveries” programme
  • 23/06/2004 Elizabeth Farnum (soprano), Margaret Kampmeier (piano) [ii]
    WPRB, Princeton NJ, USA [broadcast of recording]
    “Classical Discoveries” programme
  • 21/09/2004 Elizabeth Farnum (soprano), Margaret Kampmeier (piano)
    Nordwest Radio/Radio Bremen, Bremen, Germany [broadcast of recording]
    “Der Kauz von Corfe Castle: Aus dem Nachlaß von Kaikhosru Sorabji”